Please add items to cart, then continue to checkout. Enter billing and shipping information, choose payment method and click buy now. If you choose to pay with Amazon follow steps on next page.

If you have not received receipt or confirmation email, it means you entred incorrect email address. Please contact us.

You will receive a confirmation with order number, your order will remain processing, once we ship it you will receive tracking number.

If you choose Priority mail your order will arrive faster.

Please contact us as soon as possible to change or update your shipping address before we ship your order.

Your order usually shipped next day, sometimes it will be shipped same day depending on time orders received.

You can cancel your order as long as you did not receive shipping tracking number and you will receive your refund.

You can always use contact us page for more questions. The fastest way to contact us it to text or live chat.

(727)-610-4874. No calls to this number.

Login to your account before or after you add items to cart. Login your username and password before checkout.

Yes. You can purchase with confidence, our products work great. You can always get refund if not satisfied.

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